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Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed taking their learning outside and working out the area of compound shapes. ☀️🧮


On Tuesday, our Year 2 children enjoyed a Scooterbility Training Course in the school playground, delivered by a Road Safety Officer from HCC. The children learnt about controlling their scooters safely, basic pedestrian skills and sharing space with others.


Year 5 students enjoyed an amazing beatboxing workshop today delivered by They had lots of fun trying out new musical skills using their voices.


Our Year 5 football team went and participated in the Watford Premier League Primary Stars tournament today! Great team performances resulted in them receiving the teamwork and connected award, as well as finishing second in the whole tournament! Well done all!


Year 4 have had such an exciting final day at The Hive, handling the animals was a huge hit!🪲🕷️🕸️🦎


A fantastic morning to begin Day 2 at The Hive 🐝


Toasting marshmallows to finish off a brilliant day 🔥🍬


Miss Smith has been teaching Year 4 a traditional South African song for around the campfire this evening ⛺️🔥


Durham class also completed the team building challenges. 👫👏🏻


A brilliant afternoon of team building at The Hive! It is lovely to see the children all problem solving and working together 👏🏻


Year 4 have arrived safely and begun their day exploring Epping Forest and conducting a mini-beast hunt 🐸🐞🐛🪲


Our Y6 team after their strong performances on Wednesday saw them take part in the 6aside finals. All students should be incredibly proud of their performances in an incredibly tight group where a win in our last game would’ve seen us finish top!


Year 6 have been practising their English reading skills in preparation for their SATs using the reading paper board games ♟️ 🎲


* KS2 Primary Teacher vacancy *Full Time Salary – MPS / UPSStart date – September 2024


* Primary Teacher - Lead of Maths vacancy *Full TimeSalary - MPS / UPS TLR 2a - Lead of MathsStart date - September 2024


A fantastic Saturday morning for our U10 football team in the sunshine and wind, taking part in the Year 5 6-a-side finals! They battled hard and played with smiles on their faces throughout! Massive thank you to all the parents for your support!


Our U10 boys football team took part in a tournament this afternoon at Garden Fields. Strong performances resulted in us finishing second, only losing one game! We now look forward to the finals on Saturday!


Warwick class have loved looking at rounding this week! They particularly enjoyed the rounding ladder race game 🪜🧮


Year 5 St Andrews had a great PSHE lesson focused on the importance of knowing basic first aid and the recovery position ❤️‍🩹


Wishing our Muslim community a happy Eid filled with joy and prosperity 🕌🌙


We wish everyone a very Happy Easter and an enjoyable, well deserved break 🐣🍫✝️! We look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday 15th April to begin the Summer Term ☀️🌻


* Famous Historical People Dress-Up WOW Day: Year 2 *The children dressed up and shared facts about their famous person. They met Rosa Freedman, a human right lawyer and activist, enjoyed using the VR headsets linked to Rosa Parks and recreated some of Andy Warhol’s pop art.


* Famous Historical People Dress-Up WOW Day: Year 2 *The children dressed up and shared facts about their famous person. They met Rosa Freedman, a human right lawyer and activist, enjoyed using the VR headsets linked to Rosa Parks and recreated some of Andy Warhol’s pop art.


Primary started the final day of the term with an assembly to celebrate the achievements and reflect on the successes of the term. We were also fortunate to hear a beautiful performance from two of our 6th Form.


Year 6 made their own ‘Butterbeer’ this afternoon, after being inspired by their Harry Potter learning! It was a thumbs up for the magical beverage.


Autumn 2


Another successful start to the half term!

We have begun our half term with lots of Autumn filled fun. We began learning about hedgehogs and hibernation through the story ‘It Was a Cold, Dark Night’, by Tim Hobgood. The children have loved extending their learning about animals by linking this to the story of The Spider and the Fly, where we have read non-fiction texts all about spiders.

In Maths, we are deepening our understanding of the composition of numbers to 5 and above, including building on our subitising skills and finding one more and one less. We are learning how to use a five frame or a tens frame to help us with this.



We will shortly be sending out information regarding our Nativity Performance, which will be on Tuesday 12th December. Please look out for this letter and support your child to learn their lines/practise their songs and gather their costume. We are so excited to be performing to you!


Thank you for supporting your child with their homework and sending it in. It has been brilliant to see their homework online. Please continue to support your child and let us know if you have any queries.

PE day

PE is on Tuesdays. Please bring in named PE clothes for your child to change into for PE on this day.


Please bring a named spare set of clothing in for your child, which they can keep in a carrier bag on their peg. This is to ensure that they have something to change into during the day with the muddy/wet weather and/or if they have an accident on the way to the toilet.

Please name all clothes.

If your child comes home with anyone else’s clothing in their bag following PE day, please do return it to us the next day and we will ensure it gets back to the child. Please check all clothing to ensure it is yours, any named or incorrect items can be returned to us.


If your child has a spare pair of wellies, please bring them into school for the wet weather. The children love to play in the outdoor learning area, even when it is a little wet. This will support them to continue their learning outside, whatever the weather.

School dinners

Remember to order your child’s school dinner via the ‘Aspens Select’ website by 8am. 

All food brought in for packed lunches must be nut and sesame free (this includes seeded bread).


If you have any questions, as always please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.


Miss Bunney and Miss Howes




Autumn 1


Welcome to Early Years!


The children have settled in brilliantly in their first few days of school. Thank you for all your support with helping them to feel settled.


Our learning journey this term is 'Ourselves'. We will be discussing the people in our school and local area, different families, and learning about special people. 





Homework will be sent out each Friday. Please support your child to complete this each week and get in touch if you have any questions.



Please name all items of clothing. This really helps when children get changed for PE and also if they take their jumpers or cardigans off during the day.


PE day

PE will be on Tuesdays. Please bring in named PE clothes for your child to change into for PE on this day.


Water bottles

Please ensure your child brings in a water bottle with water in.



The weather is still warm. Please do ensure your child brings a hat to school and comes to school wearing suncream.


School dinners

Please order a school dinner for your child via the ‘Aspens Select’ website by 8am. 

All food brought in for packed lunches must be nut and sesame free (this includes seeded bread).


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.


Miss Bunney and Miss Howes


Page Downloads Date  
Phonics and Reading Workshop 2021 04th Oct 2021 Download
EYFS Curriculum Evening 2023 13th Sep 2023 Download
EYFS Curriculum Booklet 2023 13th Sep 2023 Download
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