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Yesterday Year 6 put on an incredible performance of Frozen ❄️🧊👸👑 we were blown away by the quality of the performance and the dedication to putting on such a wonderful show! What a brilliant way to end their time at Primary school.


What a brilliant morning meeting our new teachers and our new reception families for the teddy bears picnic 🧸☀️


Year 1 enjoyed their VR session this morning. They looked at fairytale settings and animals in different continents.


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL until end of July 2024Under 3s: FREE 4 - 11 years old: £512 - 18 years old: £6Adults: £7🎟👉 *Buy your tickets here:*'s light up the night together at Samuel Ryder Academy!


Look what arrived for us directly from Arendelle in the West End. Thank you to the cast of for this magical message and thank you to Miss Bacon for organising this wonderful treat.


As final preparations for the Year 6 production are taking place, Sven and Olaf are looking forward to welcoming you. It’s going to be Brrrrrrilliant!


What a wonderful evening put on by our incredible . Happy Circus 🎪 was definitely a hit!


We are so excited !! The Circus has arrived !!!


What an incredible Primary Sports Day 🏅a huge thank you to the team for running an amazing event!


Fantastic to have year 3 baking in our kitchen


Reception have been conducting a nature hunt and recording their findings using their oracy skills. We cannot wait to see the David Attenborough style documentaries they have created. 🐛🐞🐜☘️🌿#fieldworkweek


Year 5 Imperial also had a great afternoon on their local walk- exploring what types of amenities are available around our school 🗺️🧭🚶🍦


Year 5 St Andrews had a fantastic morning on their local walk, then finished off with an ice cream 🚶🗺️🧭🍦


A great day for our Y8 leaders, local primary schools and Y4 studentsOur Y8s showed passion, dedication and enthusiasm as well as showcasing their leadership and oracy skills. An honour to watch this event take placeMassive thanks to for your hard work 🏆 🥇 🏃


Our Year 6 children are working so hard rehearsing for their forthcoming production of 'Frozen'.The excitement is building and we can't wait for the show!


Finished off by a wonderful trip on the Train 🚂🛤️


Year 1 have had a busy day seeing some of the animals up close 🦒🦁🦩🦏🐘


All the animals are out to play today ☀️🐘🦏🦒


Year 1 have arrived safely at 🦁🐯🐻🐨🐵🐧🐍🐠


Year 6 Addison competed in her swimming club gala as well as representing St Albans Schools at the Hertfordshire swim champs🥇 100m freestyle relay (County)🥇 400m free🥇 200m free🥈 50m free🥈 200m back🥉 400m IM🥉 100m IM🥉 100m freeWell done Addison 🏊


Last week Year 5 took part in the Lego Project. This allowed them to design and create a vehicle using only 20 pieces, putting their imaginations to the test 🚗🚀✈️🛵🚌🚁 this was then pitched to Year 4 and some other teachers.


A number of our primary classes were treated to a session with Nick Acton, where they learnt how to enhance their learning using a variety of apps including IMovie and


***YEAR 6 AVON TYRELL***Our ETA at school has moved to 5:45pm We will continue to keep you updated


***YEAR 6 AVON TYRELL***Our ETA at school is 5:15pm We will keep you updated.


What a week Year 6 have had! Thank you for such an action packed residential.

Pupil Premium


The government introduced Pupil Premium funding in April 2011 with the aim of narrowing the gap between the disadvantaged pupils and their peers. They believe that the Pupil Premium, which is in addition to the main school’s funding will address the current underlying inequalities between these cohort of students and their wealthier peers.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024

Principles at Samuel Ryder Academy

  • We ensure that learning and teaching opportunities meet the needs of all pupils
  • We ensure that the needs of all of learners are carefully monitored and assessed on a regular interval in particular the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is in place for those students who belong to vulnerable groups
  • In making provision for socially disadvantaged students, we recognise that not all students who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals
  • We use the Pupil Premium funding to support any student or group of students who the academy has identified as socially disadvantaged
  • The type of provision will depend on the identification of the need for the priority student or group of students

Pupil Premium Provision

All pupil premium students have access to:

  • High quality teaching in the classroom
  • Support from a Form Tutor, Head of Year, Key Stage Lead and Student Services Manager
  • Support in accessing extra – curricular activities which require extra support and funding
  • A number of targeted intervention programmes

Pupil Premium provision map

We track the provision for each child on the Pupil Premium through a provision map where we record how the students are supported.  These include:

  • LSA support received in class
  • Small intervention group work or 1 to 1 sessions within Inclusion
  • Participation in the social skills group
  • Small classes in core subjects
  • Access arrangements
  • Support from external agencies (counselling, targeted youth services, TAF, Links support and outreach work etc.)
  • Attendance at clubs; sports and music etc.
  • School trips
  • A number of targeted interventions
  • Free revision guides
  • Cooking ingredients
  • Free material for Art and Design and Technology lessons
  • Participation in the G&T enrichment days
  • Help with transport costs

Provision targeted at year groups or across year groups

The following provision is in place to support the barriers that some of the children and young people face. The type of the intervention is dependent on the primary need of the students that is identified using standardised profiling assessments. The students are baselined at the start of each intervention programme and the impact on the completion is measured through specific assessment tools.

Basic School Equipment / ICT Equipment

  • Pupil Premium students receive IPads at a reduced rate

GCSE English and Maths revision days Year 11

  • The days are staffed and organised by staff at Samuel Ryder Academy

Revision Materials and Equipment

  • All year 9, 10 and 11 Pupil Premium students are given revision materials free of charge or at a reduced rate
  • Summer revision packs for these students to support their learning
  • Mathematics packs provided
  • Relevant pieces of subject specific equipment provided 

Support for End of Year School Events

  • Pupil Premium funds are used to enable these students to take part in the community celebration events at Samuel Ryder Academy, for example attending the school prom and various trips and other events

Support for School Trips

  • Trips at a reduced rate for all disadvantaged students

Music Lessons

  • Music lessons, exam costs and sheet music are offered free for this group of students who wish to participate
  • One to one music lessons at a reduced rate

Learning Support Assistant’s (LSA’s) in Class

  • Many disadvantaged students benefit from LSA support in the classroom to ensure they participate fully in lessons and supported to access the concepts covered in the lessons
  • Joint planning by the LSAs and teachers- identified LSAs attached to individual faculties
  • Delivery of targeted intervention by identified LSAs


  • Students have access to a range of mentors in school: the mentor is a member of staff that the CYP has a positive relationship with

Food Ingredients

  • The ingredients are purchased for disadvantaged students who take part in hospitality lessons

Targeted support

Cognitive interventions

  • Talking Partners - a targeted intervention to support the communication skills of students
  • One to One reading / spelling / handwriting / numeracy
  • Small group lessons in the Learning Zone
  • The impact of all interventions are measured using specific psychometric assessments and further actions are identified

Access to enrichment days for the more able G&T PP students

  • Gifted and talented and more able students in all year groups are given the opportunity to take part in enrichment days / trips

Behaviour for learning

  • Like Skills group in year 7 and 8 to support the social and emotional aspects of learning
  • Nurture Group in Primary to support social skills

Mastering memory and fine motor skills

  • Students who have difficulties with working memory or fine motor skills are supported using one to one specialised programme

Learning portraits

  • Through setting up the Learning Portraits all members of staff acquire an in depth understanding of the CYP and the strategies to support them- these portraits are child cantered and allows CYP to voice their concerns and how they what they would like the support to look like

Emotional support

  • Counselling
  • Brief Therapy
  • Play Therapy
  • Roots and Fruits
  • Anxiety Mapping
  • Family worker to support the family

Library materials for the most able and to support struggling readers

  • In year 7 and 8 the library has purchased additional materials to enable those struggling with or reluctant to read, engage more fully
  • Age appropriate books are available for all group of CYP

Transportation costs

  • Transport costs are covered to allow some Disadvantaged students and their parents / guardians to travel to and from school for evening meetings such as Parent’s Evening, Residential Trip ,Options Meeting or to help with visits to Universities etc

Data analysis

  • Regular analysis of data by the Head of Inclusion, all Heads of Faculties and Heads of Years to track, monitor and identify underachievement and implement necessary intervention
  • Regular meetings to discuss provision and support


  • In house attendance improvement officer to support the families and the students
  • Regular meetings with both parents and students
  • Home visits

External agencies

  • Utilisation of external professionals to run sessions for students in Key Stage 4
  • Partnership with Links academy
  • Support from EP
  • Close liaison with family support workers
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