Personalised Learning
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome parents, staff and students to the work of the Inclusion Faculty at Samuel Ryder Academy.
As a faculty we are united in the belief that every child is an individual who brings something special to the school community. All students regardless of ability, personality, background or ethnicity have a right to take part in and enjoy every aspect of school life and to have the opportunity to meet their full potential.
Students are supported within the classroom, in small group work or through individual support, and their progress is monitored through provision maps, data analysis and lesson tracking.
Within the Learning Zone, we provide specialist support and opportunity to help students to feel valued and be better equipped to make positive choices and to play an active role as a citizen.
External expertise is requested if necessary, from agencies such as the Speech and Language Service or from the Autism Team. Extra clubs are offered to help with homework, social skills, handwriting and word processing
The department has grown steadily over the last few years and there are now 10 members of staff led by the SENCo, Ladan Shirazi