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Who do we think our Primary celebration assembly is about today?


Year 4 have begun their science learning of changes in states of matter by making their very own ice cream 🍦


Red and Blue class have made a brilliant start to school! The outdoor learning environment is real hit 🚴🏾💦🏎️🏰


Year 4 showcasing to Year 5 what they’ve learnt during their dance lesson today!


Yesterday Year 6 put on an incredible performance of Frozen ❄️🧊👸👑 we were blown away by the quality of the performance and the dedication to putting on such a wonderful show! What a brilliant way to end their time at Primary school.


What a brilliant morning meeting our new teachers and our new reception families for the teddy bears picnic 🧸☀️


Year 1 enjoyed their VR session this morning. They looked at fairytale settings and animals in different continents.


EARLY BIRD SPECIAL until end of July 2024Under 3s: FREE 4 - 11 years old: £512 - 18 years old: £6Adults: £7🎟👉 *Buy your tickets here:*'s light up the night together at Samuel Ryder Academy!


Look what arrived for us directly from Arendelle in the West End. Thank you to the cast of for this magical message and thank you to Miss Bacon for organising this wonderful treat.


As final preparations for the Year 6 production are taking place, Sven and Olaf are looking forward to welcoming you. It’s going to be Brrrrrrilliant!


What a wonderful evening put on by our incredible . Happy Circus 🎪 was definitely a hit!


We are so excited !! The Circus has arrived !!!


What an incredible Primary Sports Day 🏅a huge thank you to the team for running an amazing event!


Fantastic to have year 3 baking in our kitchen


Reception have been conducting a nature hunt and recording their findings using their oracy skills. We cannot wait to see the David Attenborough style documentaries they have created. 🐛🐞🐜☘️🌿#fieldworkweek


Year 5 Imperial also had a great afternoon on their local walk- exploring what types of amenities are available around our school 🗺️🧭🚶🍦


Year 5 St Andrews had a fantastic morning on their local walk, then finished off with an ice cream 🚶🗺️🧭🍦


A great day for our Y8 leaders, local primary schools and Y4 studentsOur Y8s showed passion, dedication and enthusiasm as well as showcasing their leadership and oracy skills. An honour to watch this event take placeMassive thanks to for your hard work 🏆 🥇 🏃


Finished off by a wonderful trip on the Train 🚂🛤️


Year 1 have had a busy day seeing some of the animals up close 🦒🦁🦩🦏🐘


Our Year 6 children are working so hard rehearsing for their forthcoming production of 'Frozen'.The excitement is building and we can't wait for the show!


All the animals are out to play today ☀️🐘🦏🦒


Year 1 have arrived safely at 🦁🐯🐻🐨🐵🐧🐍🐠


Year 6 Addison competed in her swimming club gala as well as representing St Albans Schools at the Hertfordshire swim champs🥇 100m freestyle relay (County)🥇 400m free🥇 200m free🥈 50m free🥈 200m back🥉 400m IM🥉 100m IM🥉 100m freeWell done Addison 🏊


Last week Year 5 took part in the Lego Project. This allowed them to design and create a vehicle using only 20 pieces, putting their imaginations to the test 🚗🚀✈️🛵🚌🚁 this was then pitched to Year 4 and some other teachers.

Covid-19 Catch Up Premium - Governors report

Catch up funding
Academic year 2020/2021
Nature of Strategy/support Year group/Key stage Cost Key Performance Indicator Lead person Where we are/impact
Bug club phonics books Reception, Year 1 and 2 £2,938.97 All children in EYFS and children to have access to reading books.

Improved reading skills and success at phonics screening 
LSH All books have been purchased,
catalogued and are in use.
 The early years and yea 1 children
utilise the books for their guided
 reading daily sessions.

It is predicted that over 80% of the children in year 1 will pass their phonics screening check.
Virtual visit to Cambridge
Science Centre 
KS1 and KS2 £180.00 To enrich the experience of science curriculum and support with both the recovery of missed knowledge as well as bringing science to life  HAR The  following virtual visits took place on the 02/03/2021: 
A digestive journey show
Stronger by design show
Sonic science show
Maths revision guides KS34   £1,577 To support with the recovery of knowledge and skills for KS3 students NSH The guides were given to the students in November 2020 and are being used in lessons and at home.  
English revision guides KS4 £1,708 To support with the recovery of knowledge and skills for GCSE students SMA The following guides were purchased on 04/12/202114/05/2021:
An inspector calls
Power and conflict poetry
English language revision
Geography revision guides KS4 £325.40 To support with the recovery of knowledge and skills for GCSE students RYE The guides were given to the students in November 2020 and are being used in lessons and at home.  
Virtual visits by authors and virtual productions KS4 £350.00 Support the comprehension aspects of the texts studied in English in readiness for the GCSE assessments. SMA Alexander Sheppard visit on 10/02/21
Romeo and Juliet and McBeth production on 24th and 25th of March 2021
Science revision guides and practice papers
Science GCSE textbooks
KS3 and 4
£2,590.00 Support with the recovery of the curriculum, students have minimal gap in their knowledge and skills for the following academic year GNO These were purchase on 18/03/2021 and the students have been utilising them in lessons and at home.
Hire of steel drums All Key Stages £800.00 Support with the teaching of the instrument and bringing the lessons to life. AKI The pupils have enjoyed playing on the instrument and this has brought the curriculum to life. 
Access to online resources All year groups £629 Student to have easy access to array of material, to accelerate their knowledge.  ECO Hodder's Magazine Collection subscription to support independent research for the KS4 students- purchased on 20/01/2021.

Digital Theatre subscription- support the teaching of the curriculum in KS3 and 4 English.
Art resources KS 3,4  £698.00 Students make rapid progress, by having access to subject specialist resources. KWI Specialist watercolour tin was purchased on 11/02/2021 and the CYP have been using them to support their learning.  
MFL language assistant KS 3,4  £12,000.00 To ensure that the students achieve their predicted targets. LTI This has been an important resource in ensuring that the students, in particular the year 11 students have had the opportunity to catch up and be prepared for their assessments. 
Use of specialist maths and English  lead in primary to lead targeted interventions in year 6 Year 6
The targeted year 6 children achieve their
predicted grades.
LSH Initial assessment on return to school on the 8th of March 2022 and small group teaching by the primary maths lead has supported the children to catch up both with knowledge and content of the missed curriculum.

SATs assessments in May : the children have performed exceptionally. Over 80% of the year group have achieved ARE in both reading and GPS and maths, and over 40% Gisin both areas.    
Increased capacity for therapeutic support   All year groups £15,000 Reduction in the number of CYP on the waiting list to receive support
Full engagement in the curriculum
Improved attendance
Reduction in behaviour points
Increase number of reward points
LSH There is a three tier system approach to supporting CYP with their emotional wellbeing:
Brief Therapy

The funding has enabled us to increase this provision. The school counsellor is seeing 21 students at present.

There  is now a trained member of staff, who delivers Brief Therapy, three days a week all day to CYP across the whole academy. At present, she is seeing 22 pupils across the academy.

There is also a Resilience trained member of the Inclusion team , that is offering mentoring sessions  to 15 students at present. This has ensured that no CYP is on the counsellor's waiting list.
Employment of an intervention
Years 7, 8 and 9 £11,267 The CYP to achieve their targeted
grades in GCSE examinations.
LSH/IBA Identified group of students in years 7 to  9 have received maths and English catch up lessons in small groups of six students. These were delivered by a qualified teacher one lesson per week for six weeks. 
IT equipment such as headsets and microphones for teachers to support the blended learning approach All teaching staff £2,331 Support teaching staff in delivering the
remote learning lessons.
LSH All teaching staff have been provided with New Bee blue tooth headsets. The use of these has ensured more effective delivery of lessons.
It equipment for children and young people    £600 To support with recording of the work, in particular for students with SEN   Twenty wired iPad keyboards with lighting connector was purchased on 17/02/2021 for KS4 children. 
Celebration trips- 50% discount for all  Disadvantaged students Years 7 to 10 £2,000 To provide enriching experience for the Disadvantaged students, in particular in light of the recent lockdowns. ECO All trips have been organised and the level of discount has
 been agreed.
Academic year 2021/2022
Family support worker All year groups £20,000 Engagement from parents with school   To ensure effective and timely support for the vulnerable families. Having this provision in house will provide a higher quality of support for the CYP and their families, as the individual responsible
will be fully aware of the systems and processed operating in the school
as well as being in the position to build positive relationships with the CYP.   
Development of the
sensory garden
Primary, Inclusion £10,000 To support emotional wellbeing of the children, bring ecology  and sustainable aspect of the curriculum to life.    
Increased capacity for therapeutic support   All year groups £15,000 Reduction in the number of CYP on the waiting list to receive support

Full engagement in the curriculum
Improved attendance

Reduction in behaviour points
Increase number of reward points
LSH There is a three tier system approach to supporting CYP with their emotional wellbeing:
Brief Therapy

The funding has enabled us to increase this provision. The school counsellor is seeing 21 students at present.

There  is now a trained member of staff, who delivers Brief Therapy, three days a week all day to CYP across the whole academy. At present, she is seeing 22 pupils across the academy.

There is also a Resilience trained member of the Inclusion team , that is offering mentoring sessions  to 15 students at present. This has ensured that no CYP is on the counsellor's waiting list.
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